تحميل لعبة مسلية slither.io v1.2.0 APK للاندرويد

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  • تحميل لعبة مسلية slither.io v1.2.0 APK للاندرويد

    slither.io v1.2.0 APK

    Play against other people online! Can you become the biggest snake?

    Watch out - if your head touches another snake, you will explode and then its game over. But if you get other snakes to run into YOU, then THEY will explode and you can eat their remains!

    Unlike other games, you have a fighting chance even if youre tiny! If youre a nimble navigator, you can swerve in front of a much larger snake to defeat them - no matter what size you are!

    The biggest snake of the day gets to set a victory message that the ENTIRE WORLD will see!



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