Die Casting Processes كتاب

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  • Die Casting Processes كتاب

    High Integrity Die Casting Processes

    ISBN: 0471201316
    Author: Edward J. Vinarcik
    Publisher: Wiley-Interscience
    Edition: (September 20, 2002)
    Hardcover: 256 pages
    URL: /http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/redirect?tag=songstech-20&path=ASIN%2F0471201316
    "It's about time that a practicing engineer with casting and academic experience has written a book that provides answers to questions about squeeze casting and semi-solid molding/forming that many engineers and students of casting need answered."
    -Joseph C. Benedyk, PhD
    Consultant and retired technical director, Alcoa
    High Integrity Die Casting Processes provides a comprehensive look at the concepts behind advanced die casting technologies, including vacuum die casting, squeeze casting, and several variants of semi-solid metalworking. Practical applications for these processes are illustrated in numerous case studies.
    This single-source reference tool presents the latest material in five sections:
    * Basic concepts of die casting and molten metal flow
    * High integrity die casting processes with case studies
    * Product design considerations
    * Controlling quality and avoiding defects
    * Future advances under development
    Key coverage includes a survey of liquid metal flow, strategies to overcome the limitations of conventional die casting, and potential defects unique to high integrity die casting processes. Also featured are methods for minimizing porosity, reducing cost by design, practical applied statistical process control techniques, designing for manufacturability, and containment methods for potential processing defects. Several chapters present detailed real-world examples illustrating the broad range of applications possible using high integrity die casting processes.
    Included with this book is a CD-ROM containing PowerPoint(r) presentations for each chapter. These presentations can be used for training purposes in conjunction with numerous study questions designed to practically apply the ******* of the book to real-world situations. Selected PowerPoint(r) slides can be used to support engineering proposals, marketing presentations, or customer education seminars.
    High Integrity Die Casting Processes is a valuable reference for both component producers and component users alike. Process engineers, tool designers, manufacturing engineers, production managers, and machine operators will acquire a better understanding of these advanced die casting processes to optimize manufacturing and improve product quality. Component designers, product engineers, purchasing agents, buyers, supplier quality engineers, and project managers will gain insight into these processes and develop superior products by design

    size: 4.64 MB

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أنشئ بواسطة HaMooooDi, 07-12-2024, 02:42 PM
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