Statistical Process Control كتاب

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  • Statistical Process Control كتاب

    Statistical Process Control, Fifth Edition

    ISBN: 0750657669
    Author: John S Oakland
    Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann
    Edition: 5 edition (April 16, 2003)
    Paperback: 464 pages
    URL: /
    A highly successful title from one of the UK's leading exponents of TQM. The book features user-friendly presentation and reflects the latest thinking in the field. It will serve as a textbook for self or group instruction for both student and practicing engineers, scientists, technologists and managers and will prove invaluable to all.

    Statistical process control is a tool, which enables both manufacturers and suppliers to achieve control of product quality by means of the application of statistical methods in the controlling process. This book gives the foundations of good quality management and process control, including an explanation of what quality is, and control of conformance and consistency during production. The text offers clear guidance and help to those unfamiliar with either quality control or statistical applications and coves all the necessary theory and techniques in a practical and non-mathematical manner. This book will be essential reading for anyone wishing to understand or implement modern statistical process control techniques.

    * New edition is fully updated and includes a new chapter on Six Sigma
    * Well-known, authoritative author who introduced statistical process control to thousands of organizations throughout the world
    * Written in a practical way that minimizes the use of formulas and assumes no prior knowledge of statistics

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