HACCP in the Meat Industry
Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science and Technology
Author: Martyn Brown
Publisher: OTHER
Edition: (October 13, 2000)
Hardcover: 340 pages
URL: /http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/redirect?tag=songstech-20&path=ASIN%2F0849308496
The risks from e-coli and BSE have ensured the high profile of meat safety. Internationally, HACCP has been incorporated into Codex legislation and is being applied worldwide, with countries such as the US, Australia, New Zealand, and the UK leading the way. From legislation and the principle hazards to HACCP implementation across the supply chain, from rearing through primary and secondary processing to retail, this essential reference provides an authoritative survey of the key principles and best practices for
meat safety
رابط جديد بتاريخ 15/9/2018