Six Sigma Statistics with EXCEL and MINITAB

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  • Six Sigma Statistics with EXCEL and MINITAB

    Six Sigma Statistics with EXCEL and MINITAB

    Author: Issa Bass
    ISBN: 007148969X
    Pages: 374
    Language: English
    Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional
    Category: Technical
    Tag: Office

    Product Description

    Master the Statistical Techniques for Six Sigma Operations, . While Boosting Your Excel and Minitab Skills!
    . .

    Now with the help of this �one-stop� resource, operations and production managers can learn all the powerful statistical techniques for Six Sigma operations, while becoming proficient at Excel and Minitab at the same time.. .

    Six Sigma Statistics with Excel and Minitab offers a complete guide to Six Sigma statistical methods, plus expert coverage of Excel and Minitab, two of today's most popular programs for statistical analysis and data visualization.. .

    Written by a seasoned Six Sigma Master Black Belt, the book explains how to create and interpret dot plots, histograms, and box plots using Minitab�decide on sampling strategies, sample size, and confidence intervals�apply hypothesis tests to compare variance, means, and proportions�conduct a regression and residual analysis�design and analyze an experiment�and much more. . .

    Filled with clear, concise accounts of the theory for each statistical method presented, Six Sigma Statistics with Excel and Minitab features:

    * . .Easy-to-follow explanations of powerful Six Sigma tools.
    * A wealth of exercises and case studies.
    * 200 graphical illustrations for Excel and Minitab

    . .

    Essential for achieving Six Sigma goals in any organization, Six Sigma Statistics with Excel and Minitab is a unique, skills-building toolkit for mastering a wide range of vital statistical techniques, and for capitalizing on the potential of Excel and Minitab. . . .

    Six Sigma Statistical with Excel and Minitab offers operations and production managers a complete guide to Six Sigma statistical techniques, together with expert coverage of Excel and Minitab, two of today's most popular programs for statistical analysis and data visualization.. .

    Written by Issa Bass, a Six Sigma Master Black Belt with years of hands-on experience in industry, this on-target resource takes readers through the application of each Six Sigma statistical tool, while presenting a straightforward tutorial for effectively utilizing Excel and Minitab. With the help of this essential reference, managers can:

    * . .Acquire the basic tools for data collection, organization, and description.
    * Learn the fundamental principles of probability.
    * Create and interpret dot plots, histograms, and box plots using Minitab.
    * Decide on sampling strategies, sample size, and confidence intervals.
    * Apply hypothesis tests to compare variance, means, and proportions.
    * Stay on top of production processes with statistical process control.
    * Use process capability analysis to ensure that processes meet customers'. expectations .
    * Employ analysis of variance to make inferences about more than two. population means .
    * Conduct a regression and residual analysis.
    * Design and analyze an experiment

    . .

    In addition, Six Sigma Statistics with Excel and Minitab enables you to develop a better understanding of the Taguchi Method�use measurement system analysis to find out if measurement processes are accurate�discover how to test ordinal or nominal data with nonparametric statistics�and apply the full range of basic quality tools.. .

    Filled with step-by-step exercises, graphical illustrations, and screen shots for performing Six Sigma techniques on Excel and Minitab, the book also provides clear, concise explanations of the theory for each of the statistical tools presented. . .

    Authoritative and comprehensive, Six Sigma Statistics with Excel and Minitab is a valuable skills-building resource for mastering all the statistical techniques for Six Sigma operations, while harnessing the power of Excel and Minitab. . .

    About the Author
    Issa Bass is a Six Sigma Master Black Belt and Six. Sigma project leader for Kenco Group, Inc. He is the founding editor of.



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