احصاء و احتمالات

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  • احصاء و احتمالات

    NonConformance is the notion of a flat moral order. People who like NonConformance have few steps on their moral order ladder. For instance, they may believe that:
    • All ethnies are equal
    • Men equal women
    • All cultures are equally valuable
    • All countries are equally important
    • All religions are equivalent
    • All lifestyles are acceptable...
    A flat moral order fosters diversity of thought and behavior across society. It also encourages each individual to accomplish their personal desires by not conforming to any pre-defined standard.
    People on this side of the Matrix may support:
    • Separation of church and state
    • Gay and minority rights
    • Drug legalization
    • Freedom of expression
    • ...

    The word defective describes an entire unit that fails to meet acceptance criteria, regardless of the number of defects within the unit. A unit may be defective because of one or more defects.

    The identification of nonconformities can be performed:
    • by Certification Body personnel;
    o during its ordinary activity in the process of accreditation and certification, or
    o as a result of any of the reviews or audits carried out according to the Certification Body quality management system.
    • by the applicants of laboratory accreditation or product certification.
    In the case where nonconformities are detected by the applicants of laboratory accreditation or product certification, the Certification Body shall comply with the arrangement in [l30-1992], providing the applicants with all the rights and mechanisms of the Common Administrative Procedure.
    In the case where nonconformities are detected by Certification Body personnel, the procedure defined in ([proc-noconformidades]) shall be applied.
    The procedure ([proc-noconformidades]) shall be based on the Certification Body management system, whose manual [sgoc] defines the data that must be recorded for each of the following:
    • a nonconformity dossier;
    • a preventive action;
    • a corrective action.
    Treatment of nonconformities
    The originator shall create a nonconformity dossier.
    The Technical Manager shall appoint a nonconformity resolution manager.
    The nonconformity resolution manager shall define the necessary corrective and preventive actions.
    The resolution of a nonconformity requires not only the correcting of the non-fulfilment detected, but the correction of the cause of the non-fulfilment.
    The identification of a nonconformity can give rise to identification of other potential nonconformities, encountered in the analysis of the knock-on effects of the detected nonconformity, which must then be managed with corresponding preventive actions.
    The nonconformity resolution manager is in charge of the definition and monitoring of the corrective and preventive actions plan, although he/she may not necessarily be in charge of the actual execution of those actions.
    • Other Nonconformities
    • Examples of other nonconformities. The types of other nonconformities to which this section applies include but are not necessarily limited to: fence height or location; lack of buffers or screening; lack of or inadequate landscaping; lack of or inadequate off-street parking; and other nonconformities not involving the basic design or structural aspects of the building, location of the building on the lot, lot dimensions or land or building use. However, development that is consistent with a site plan approved on the date that this Code became effective shall be deemed to be in conformance with this Code to the extent that it is consistent with the approved plan and to the extent that such plan or conditions imposed thereon directly addresses the specific issue involved in the determination of conformity. A nonconformity other than one of those enumerated in Secs. VII-B, VII-C, and VII-D shall be brought into conformance upon the occurrence of any one of the following:
    • Any increase on the premises of more than 30 percent floor area or 50 percent value;
    • For a property in a commercial or industrial zone, any change in use to a more intensive use when a new certificate of occupancy is required.
    The requirement that these other nonconformities be brought into conformance shall be subject to variance by the Board of Zoning Appeals where it finds that such conformance would involve an unreasonable hardship.
    • Policy. Because other nonconformities involve less investment and are more easily corrected than those involving lots, buildings and uses, it is generally the policy of the City and County to eliminate such other nonconformities as quickly as practicable.
    • Increase prohibited. The extent of such other nonconformities shall not be increased, with or without a variance.

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    • Nonconformities Created by Public Action
    When lot area or setbacks are reduced as a result of conveyance to a federal, state or local government for a public purpose and the remaining area is at least 75 percent of the required minimum standard for the district in which it is located, then that lot shall be deemed to be in compliance with the minimum lot size and setback standards of this Code without resorting to the Board of Zoning Appeals.
    Nonconformities defined: Using Quality Workbench Professional
    While "nonconformities" in general represent defects or failures in a system, customers in a variety of industries use this term to apply to a wide range of situations, from uncontrolled releases into environmental systems to injuries that result from on-the-job accidents.
    Nonconformities in a food processing operation, for example, may represent too much or too little of something: chocolate chips in ice cream, cans that are improperly sealed, or incorrect fill weights. In health care, recording nonconformities such as missed appointments, delayed prescriptions, or recording errors on patient records provide useful information for future improvement.
    Regardless of the way in which nonconformities may be defined in a specific industry, the nonconformities module of Quality Workbench Professional supports organizations' need to control activities with associated corrective actions. Whether the action is short or long term, Quality Workbench creates a record of critical business issues. Since Quality Workbench offers the ability to customize terminology, a customer can set unlimited numbers of corrective action types, define various levels of severity, and specify sources of nonconformities.
    Of course, recording nonconformities alone is not enough; appropriate personnel must take follow-up action. The software program assures that only relevant personnel are notified about each event, since an administrator can specify who should be informed, the method of communication, and whether the event should be added to the users' task list.
    The nonconformities module, like other Quality Workbench modules, provides a comprehensive audit trail throughout the processing cycle of a nonconformity.
    For more information about Quality Workbench and how it can support your quality system, go to

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