torrent SPSS V16.0 with Crack

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  • torrent SPSS V16.0 with Crack

    اقوى واشهر البرامج الاحصائيه

    SPSS 16.0 + Crack
    وبرابط مباشر !!!!

    البرنامج غنى عن التعريف واليكم مقدمه بسيطه عن امكانياته ولكن بالانجليزيه

    Analyze data using comprehensive statistical software

    Receive answers spreadsheets and databases can't give you. SPSS 14.0

    for Windows provides you with a broad range of capabilities for the

    entire analytical process. With SPSS, you can generate decision-making

    information quickly using powerful statistics, understand and

    effectively present your results with high-quality tabular and graphical

    output, and share your results with others using a variety of reporting

    methods, including secure Web publishing. All this empowers you to

    makesmarter decisions more quickly by uncovering key facts, patterns and trends.

    For more than 35 years, people like you have used SPSS for data

    miningand database analysis, market and survey research, and research of all

    types because SPSS is the best software for solving business and

    researchproblems using statistics.SPSS is a modular, tightly integrated,

    full-featured product line forthe analytical process - planning, data collecting, data access,

    datamanagement and preparation, analysis, reporting and deployment.

    UsingSPSS with a combination of add-on modules and stand-alone software

    thatwork seamlessly with the base product enhances the capabilities of SPSS.

    The intuitive interface makes it easy to use - yet it gives you all of

    the data management, statistics and reporting methods you need to do even your toughest analysis


    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة HaMooooDi; الساعة 05-02-2009, 07:29 AM.

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