ادارة الجودة في البنوك وتطبيقاتها Financial Services

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  • ادارة الجودة في البنوك وتطبيقاتها Financial Services

    Financial Services Customer Service Benchmarking Association™ i

    s an association of financial services companies that conducts benchmarking studies to identify the best practices surrounding Customer Service issues that improve the overall operations of the members. Members of Financial Services Customer Service Benchmarking Association™ are concerned with establishing and managing effective Customer Service agreements, as well as, developing measures of real performance and processes for maintaining relationships with customers.
    To identify "Best in Class" business processes, which, when implemented, will lead member companies to exceptional performance.
    • To conduct benchmarking studies of important business processes.
    • To create a cooperative environment where full understanding of the performance and enablers of "best in class" business processes can be obtained and shared at reasonable cost.
    • To use the efficiency of the association to obtain process performance data and related best practices from group of companies.
    • To support the use of benchmarking to facilitate process improvement and the achievement of total quality.

    The scope of Financial Services Customer Service Benchmarking Association™ membership includes those organizations that have or will implement benchmarking of Customer Service issues as part of or in support of their core business(es).
    Company membership will be considered with respect to compliance with Financial Services Customer Service Benchmarking Association™ mission, goals and operating guidelines, as well as, qualification of the organization within the scope of membership.
    Participation in specific efforts will be optional and open only to members with costs shared by the participants.

    We reserve the right to review membership applications and to make the final decision whether or not to accept any application. Consulting firms are ineligible for membership.

    Benefits of Membership
    Financial Services Customer Service Benchmarking Association™ will identify and present to members opportunities to participate in Benchmarking studies on various topics of importance to customer service issues.
    There are two types of Benchmarking studies provided:
    • Consortium studies are offered to the membership as a whole with costs divided.
    • Single company sponsored studies addressing the interest of one member company can be offered to other selected members for no fee.

    The association will also support Customer Service benchmarking efforts:
    • Research - Access public and private databases.
    • Identify study participants - Top companies interested in benchmarking Customer Service issues.
    • Collect data - Manage response collection with the participants as a third party.
    • Lead site visits - Structure with best participants.

    Interest group roundtables will be organized throughout the year. Members will pay a nominal fee to join real and virtual roundtable discussions that address specific processes.

    Currently, membership in Financial Services Customer Service Benchmarking Association™ is FREE! Costs of studies are shared by the participants

    إن الهدف الرئيسي لهذه الدراسة هو قياس مستوى جودة الخدمات المصرفية التي تقدمها البنوك التجارية القطرية من وجهة نظر عملاء تلك البنوك باستخدام SERVPERF . تم تطوير استبانة خاصة لغايات الدراسة وتوزيعها على عينة عشوائية بسيطة حجمها (25) عميلا. بعد المتابعة تم استرجاع (173) استبانة تم معالجتها باستخدام البرنامج الإحصائي SPSS.
    كشفت نتائج التحليل عن ارتفاع مستوى جودة الخدمات المصرفية التي تقدمها البنوك التجارية القطرية من وجهة نظر عملائها، كما تبين وجود علاقة قوية دالة إحصائيا بين الجودة الكلية للخدمات المصرفية التي تقدمها البنوك التجارية الوطنية القطرية من جهة، ومجالات جودة الخدمات المصرفية التالية الجوانب الملموسة، الاعتمادية، الأمان، الاستجابة، التعاطف. وكشفت النتائج أن الفروق الموجودة في تقييم العملاء لجودة الخدمات المصرفية ككل ولكل مجال من مجالاتها لم تكن دالة إحصائيا لمتغير جنسية العميل ومدة تعامله مع البنك. في حان كانت الفروق ذات دلالة إحصائية لمتغير المؤهل العلمي للعميل

المواضيع ذات الصلة


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