تقدير تكاليف الانشاء Construction Cost Estimating

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  • تقدير تكاليف الانشاء Construction Cost Estimating

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الاسم: istockphoto-1223698168-612x612.jpg
الحجم: 62.4 كيلوبايت
رقم التعريف: 227774

    ملف صغير نسبيا يشرح تقنيات تقدير كلف الانشاء

    Before the first shovel of dirt is moved, before the first nail driven, a construction project can be in serious trouble if it is not bid on the basis of an accurate estimate. Years ago the estimator was often viewed as just another member of the office staff. Today the cost estimator is generally recognized as one of the key personnel, in addition to the project manager, responsible for the success or failure of a project. At the time of bid the estimator knows more about the project than anyone in the construction company. He or she is relied upon to furnish reliable costs.
    If the estimator bids a project too high the time and expense of bidding the project are lost. If the estimator provides an estimate which is too low the company faces the prospect of losing far more money. There are many cases where a faulty estimate has resulted in the ruin of a company

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