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Are you a woman with an ambition to start your own business or find a side hustle to cater for your needs? If yes, do you know which business ideas to consider? Well, if you’re in this situation, you’re in the right place because you are about to find out the best small business ideas for women you should consider.

Despite the efforts to push for gender equality at the workplace, gender disparities still exist in employment. There is a higher rate of unemployment among women, with more of them venturing into the business sector. Did you know that female-owned businesses create employment for about nine million people annually?

Practically, they help in keeping the economy running. Here is what you should know about small business ideas for women.

Top 12 best business ideas for women

Although women can launch any business as long as they have experience and knowledge, the following are some best business ideas for women.

1.Educational services

Did you know that in the U.S, women contribute to 77% of the total public-school teachers? Well, if you think that every sector is male-dominated, you’re probably wrong. The education sector in the U.S is female-dominated.

If you have a passion for learning and teaching others, an education-centered business is one of the most suitable small scale business ideas for ladies. Educational services are a flexible business that allows you to select your working hours, regardless of your location. With the ongoing global pandemic wreaking havoc in the education sector, online learning grew significantly.

Therefore, you can exploit this opportunity by becoming an online tutor. Since you’re operating online, this is a great business for ladies with low investment. The case is so because you won’t need any significant modifications. You’ll only need to set aside a small section of your house and convert it to a “virtual workspace.”

2.Child or animal care

Do you fancy staying with kids or animals? If yes, did you know that you can get paid to take care of them? More than 92% of childcare personnel are women. After all, moms prefer leaving their children with women caregivers.

You can start your own daycare if you have an undying passion for child or animal caregiving. However, you’ll need licensing from your state and a workspace where you’ll be handling the animals or kids.

For animal lovers, you’ll enjoy things like pet grooming, dog walking, and pet sitting. So, don’t let your passion for animals die just like that. Try animal caregiving as a business idea. After all, it will help you pay your bills.

3.App development

Are you a coding guru? If not, you can still learn coding skills online for free. You can turn your skills into a source of income by developing apps for organizations and websites. The best thing about app development is that it is a complete home business for women.

All you need is a laptop or computer and a good internet connection, and you’re good to go. Therefore, it is among the best low-investment small business ideas for women worth considering.

4.Interior design

Are you passionate about creating functional and attractive art? Well, you can use this passion to make money by designing colorful, intuitive and enticing home interiors. However, it’s worth noting that some states will require you to obtain a license of operation.

5.Beauty and skincare

Despite women being the biggest customers in the beauty sector, only 29% make it in the executive positions at the top beauty brands. If you love being a beautician or beauty therapist, you can use your skills to explore it as a small business idea. You can create dry shampoo, artisan soaps, body scrubs/butter, among other organic beauty products, at the comfort of your home.

Beauty and skincare are among the best small business ideas for women at home because all you need are the ingredients used for making these beauty products.


Are you a creative writer? Did you know that you can use your creativity in exchange for money? Companies are looking for website content creators that will help them engage their audience. You can start your freelancing career at home or even create and monetize your own blog.

The advantage of this small scale business idea is that it helps you earn as you learn and expand your thinking capacity. Imagine every day writing a different task? Eventually, you’ll become a guru in almost every niche. I mean, you’ll be a walking Wikipedia! Isn’t that great?

7.Event planning

Are you good at coordinating functions? If yes, you can exploit your abilities to start an event planning business that will earn you extra cash. This is one of the side small business ideas for ladies that require a high level of coordination and multitasking.

Therefore, you need to be accurate and available should anything arise. You can start a business specializing in coordinating wedding activities or corporate events such as product launches and grand openings. The ultimate aim of this business idea is to ensure that all stakeholders are on the same page.

So, you must possess excellent communication skills to avoid business failure. You can also learn more about other reasons why such a startup business can fail to ensure that you prepare for all pitfalls that may come your way.

8.Catering or food service

Got special talent in the kitchen? If yes, don’t sit on your talent. You can exploit your God-given skills to make some extra bucks. Start a food-oriented business! Remember that you’ll be required to adhere to the state’s applicable food safety requirements.

Depending on your area of specialization and the capital you’ve set aside to start your business, you can start a catering, food truck or baking business. Unlike catering and baking businesses, which are “cheap-to-start” businesses for ladies sitting at home, a food truck business can be expensive to start.

9.Social media influencer

Did you know that female social media influencers outperform their male counterparts by a staggering 35% in marketing? Companies hire social media influencers as their product marketers. As a result, they pay a substantive amount because social media influencers have large followership.

They can persuade thousands or even millions of followers to use a certain product. So, do you have a high number of followers on social media platforms? If yes, you can turn your followership into income. On average, social media influencers earn $1,000 per every 100,000 followers.

Such earnings make it one of the most lucrative small business ideas for women, especially those with many followers. What’s even more interesting is that you can do it remotely.

10.Life coaching

Do you love helping people? The COVID-19 pandemic has left many in depression because of the loss of jobs and other factors. Did you know that you can help save lives by offering life coaching services?

Well, you can do this by helping people overcome the stress associated with day to day activities. So, don’t let others suffer emotional distress when you can help them. Consider life coaching as a career to watch others walk stress-free while making some extra cash. If you’re a certified coach, the better because you’ll make more money.


Did you know that you can make money by converting audio and video files to textual format? Well, transcription is one of those small business ideas for women that can help you cater for your bills. Typically, subtitling transcription tends to be more time-consuming because time-codes must match.

As a transcriptionist, you’ll make about $15 per hour. What’s best about this business idea is that it is suitable for young and teen entrepreneurs because you don’t need any significant qualifications. So, if you’re a parent, you can let your girl do it while at home. Besides, it’s a low-cost business idea where you only need a computer and an internet connection.


Are you a talented photographer? Well, if yes, then you can consider photography because you enjoy it while making money. All you need is a powerful camera and its related accessories to kickstart your dream business. Once you venture into the business, you need to create a portfolio.

However, you cannot consider this business idea if you’re considering work from home. The case is so because you click photos at parties, celebrations, and weddings, among other special events. To get started, you should first market your photography business on various social media to expand your reach.

You can also upload your images to various websites and magazines to get paid. As a professional photographer, you can make around $28,000 annually.

Final thought

Don’t stay idle when there are many small business ideas for women that you can consider. What’s more interesting is that you can choose a small scale business idea from your passion or hobby. That means you make money from doing what you love the most. Isn’t that interesting?

So, look for a business idea that suits your needs and schedule and capitalize on it to make extra cash.