كتاب Developing and Managing Engineering Procedures

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  • كتاب Developing and Managing Engineering Procedures

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الاسم: 51CKTIJ4CxL._SX312_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg
الحجم: 38.7 كيلوبايت
رقم التعريف: 226754

    This guide book consists of twenty-five engineering procedures
    and five forms that can be used by any company to establish an engineering
    procedural documentation system. The first part of this book covers a new
    company setting up an engineering procedures (paper based) documentation
    system and Ch. 7 covers an electronic database. The paper based
    system uses engineering procedure manuals as a method of distributing
    new and revised procedures to end-users. All of the methods shown in this
    book can be tailored to fit each company’s unique operation. This book is
    written in such a way that those employees responsible for writing and
    managing engineering procedures can use it as a guideline to perform their
    daily tasks. The table of contents follows the normal sequence of an
    engineering procedure documentation process and documentation methods
    are established in each of the chapters. The document formats and numbering
    systems can be used by most companies, and they are acceptable
    per ISO 9000 guidelines. Several of the engineering procedures include
    forms that will aid in the information gathering process.

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الاسم: Untitled.jpg
الحجم: 83.4 كيلوبايت
رقم التعريف: 226755

    Developing and Managing Engineering Procedures – Concepts and Applications
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