Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering is an alternate version of
my text, Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, Fifth Edition. The
contents of both are the same, but the order of presentation differs and Fundamentals
utilizes newer technologies to enhance teaching and learning.
With regard to the order of presentation, there are two common approaches
to teaching materials science and engineering—one that I call the ‘‘traditional’’
approach, the other which most refer to as the ‘‘integrated’’ approach. With the
traditional approach, structures/characteristics/properties of metals are presented
first, followed by an analogous discussion of ceramic materials and polymers. Introduction,
Fifth Edition is organized in this manner, which is preferred by many
materials science and engineering instructors. With the integrated approach, one
particular structure, characteristic, or property for all three material types is presented
before moving on to the discussion of another structure/characteristic/property.
This is the order of presentation in Fundamentals
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