كتاب Principles of Electric Circuits

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  • كتاب Principles of Electric Circuits

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الاسم: Screen Shot 2020-05-24 at 2.13.17 AM.jpg
الحجم: 74.5 كيلوبايت
رقم التعريف: 225225

    This textbook is designed pri- marily for use in a two-term course sequence in which dc topics (Chapters I through 10) are covered in the first term and ac topics (Chapters 11 through 21) are covered in the sec- ond term. A one-term course covering dc and ac topics is possible but would require very selective and abbreviated coverage of many topics If lime limitations or course emphasis restrict the topics that can be covered, as is usu- ally the case, there are several options for selective coverage. The following suggestions for light treatment or omission do not necessarily imply that a certain topic is less important than others but that, in the context of a specific program, the topic may not require the em- phasis that the more fundamental topics do. Because course emphasis, level, and available time vary fromone program to another, the omission or abbreviated treatment of selected topics must be made on an individual basis. Therefore, the following suggestions are in- tended only as a general guide.

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أنشئ بواسطة HaMooooDi, 07-12-2024, 02:48 PM
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أنشئ بواسطة HaMooooDi, 07-12-2024, 02:42 PM
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بواسطة HaMooooDi
أنشئ بواسطة HaMooooDi, 03-23-2024, 03:21 AM
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أنشئ بواسطة HaMooooDi, 03-23-2024, 03:16 AM
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أنشئ بواسطة HaMooooDi, 02-29-2024, 04:37 AM
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