Safety at Work and Industrial Hypiene

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  • Safety at Work and Industrial Hypiene

    According to Bestratén (1999), safety at work is "the set of techniques and procedures that are designed to eliminate or reduce the risk of accidents."
    Therefore, safety at work is concerned with addressing a number of hazards that affect industrial accidents, such as:
    Electrical hazards;

    اضغط على الصورة لعرض أكبر

الاسم: image_2331.jpg
الحجم: 11.1 كيلوبايت
رقم التعريف: 224875
    · Lack of mechanisms of protection against moving parts of machinery, equipment and tools;

    · Falls of heavy objects;

    اضغط على الصورة لعرض أكبر

الاسم: image_2332.jpg
الحجم: 13.5 كيلوبايت
رقم التعريف: 224876
    · Poor conditions of order and cleanliness in the workplace;

    · Fire Hazards
    To achieve safety at work, we should develop preventive actions that fall within both general and specific rules, such as:
    · The mission and vision of the company;
    · The safety policies;
    · Procedures at work;
    · Staff training;
    · Incorporation of safety devices on machines, equipment and facilities.

    اضغط على الصورة لعرض أكبر

الاسم: image_2333.jpg
الحجم: 17.7 كيلوبايت
رقم التعريف: 224877اضغط على الصورة لعرض أكبر

الاسم: image_2334.jpg
الحجم: 9.4 كيلوبايت
رقم التعريف: 224878

    Industrial hygiene

    According to Hernandez and Marti (1989), industrial hygiene is the discipline that aims the prevention of occupational diseases by controlling chemical, physical or biological agents in the working environment.
    The (chemical, physical or biological) agents mentioned have effect in the workplace; not only directly for workers who perform a particular task, but also for people from other areas that are part of that environment. Moreover, the presence of these agents also affects the external environment of the company like nearby businesses, nearby communities and in general the soil, air and water.
    In order to reduce occupational risks of emerging pollutants, three objectives are established:

    Controls on the origin and source of danger;

    Controls on the path between the hazard and the worker;

    Controls on the subject exposed to danger.

المواضيع ذات الصلة


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