implementation of KAIZEN تطبيق الكايزن

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  • implementation of KAIZEN تطبيق الكايزن

    اضغط على الصورة لعرض أكبر

الاسم: image_2241.jpg
الحجم: 29.9 كيلوبايت
رقم التعريف: 224615
    It is Japanese word which means Non-value adding things which are obstacle in a continuous process and it can stop the process. In KAIZEN we have to eliminate muda. In short muda means production beyond requirement.
    It includes:

    · Unnecessary storage of goods
    · Wastage of time
    · Transportation
    · Stoppage of work
    · Unnecessary movements of product
    · Rejection, Scrap and revised work.

    It means difference, things which occurs irregularly or irregulation in process.In KAIZEN we eliminate Mura.

    It includes:

    · Irregular occurring events
    · Things occurring at some fixed place
    · Things happening with some fixed humans
    · When one side is true and another one is wrong.


    It means Stress, Tension and Difficulties in a process. In KAIZEN we eliminate or try to reduce muri.

    It includes:

    · Bending while working in a process
    · Require more energy while working
    · Picking more weight while working
    · Doing unnecessary movements
    · Repeating things.

    To eliminate above three things we require one more terminology that is “MIS” . The meaning of this Japanese word is “Curious observation and Care”. We think of these three things in GEMBA kaizen and try to reduce or eliminate them in consecutive process while approaching towards problem.

    GEMBA Kaizen:

    The meaning of this Japanese word is GEM means “Real” and BA means “Place”. It is focused improvement.

    It includes:

    · Making of group including members of all department
    · Deciding specific period (4 to 5 days)
    · ZERO investment
    · Using Deming cycle
    In GEMBA kaizen we have to go at the real place where problem is occurring. And according to rules we have to arrange Pre-workshop day, making groups, managing day wise activities like Collecting data, Analyzing data, Confirm diagnosed data experimentally, Start implementing countermeasure, Implementation and presentation and Post workshop day.

    It works with three steps Plan, Do and Check & Action.

    Advantages of KAIZEN:

    · Continuous improvement.
    · People learn from their mistakes.
    · People find ways to make things better.
    · Goods and services also improve over time.
    · Leads to improved morale, better products, and satisfied customers and reduced cost.
    · Improves quality.
    · Increases efficiency.
    · Improves customer satisfaction.
    · Value can be added using kaizen in service industries.
    · Applies to all non-manufacturing fields.
    · Tools specifically adapted for this purpose.

    اضغط على الصورة لعرض أكبر

الاسم: image_2244.jpg
الحجم: 45.3 كيلوبايت
رقم التعريف: 224618اضغط على الصورة لعرض أكبر

الاسم: image_2243.jpg
الحجم: 21.5 كيلوبايت
رقم التعريف: 224617اضغط على الصورة لعرض أكبر

الاسم: image_2242.jpg
الحجم: 64.0 كيلوبايت
رقم التعريف: 224616
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة HeaD Master; الساعة 04-09-2020, 05:32 PM.

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