The Function Of Industrial Engineering

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  • The Function Of Industrial Engineering

    اضغط على الصورة لعرض أكبر. الإسم:	image_2088.jpg مشاهدات:	3 الحجم:	39.1 كيلوبايت الهوية:	224317

    The primary function of industrial engineering is to assist in planning and producing a product. Work identification and methods engineering basically provide the means for industrial engineering to perform this function. Through these means it can analyze the factors involved in the manufacturing system -- land, capital, labor, and management thereof.

    Through the many forms of work identification and methods engineering, engineers and production supervisors can assist in managing and controlling the cost of labor. These "tools" of industrial engineering provide assistance for preparing bids, for improving productivity, and for maintaining and controlling production operations. Industrial Engineering can also assist by developing systems for maintaining methods and updating schedules.
    Motion economy and methods analysis are used by industrial engineering for effective use of capital. The man-made instruments of production - Materials, Machinery, and Facilities - can be analyzed trial engineering.
    Through analysis of the “gifts of nature" -- the surface, above the surface and below the surface -- industrial engineering can provide technical assistance through analysis of materials, Processes, and labor reporting.

    Developing Methods And Schedules

    A work transmission identification system can be a catalyst and for moving strategic planning for into high gear." This aid produce, and how to produce in determining the it, will allow for production best way to profitability. It can only take place through application of work simplification techniques, through methods specifications, and through efficient application of operational facts for estimating, scheduling, and producing standards.

    The need to consider the effect that noise, vibration, stress and climate conditions have on workers, will require analysis and evaluation by industrial engineering. Work methods and schedules must be developed with additives in to the form of operating and compensate for health and personal allowances, safety requirements.

    Personal allowances primarily consider production delays, interference, stress and recovery, mental and physical demands, and personal needs of the worker. These needs usually include wash ups and utilization of toilet facilities, as well as rest (recovery) breaks.

    Supplying Factual Data For Foremen/Supervisors

    Industrial engineering can assist foremen and supervisors by supplying factual data in setting UP the work place. Through the use of motion economy and work simplification techniques, it can provide assistance for the foremen and supervisors. Supervision will use their assistance in determining operational methods and work place layouts for those operations.

    Industrial engineering can analyze the work content and required skills necessary to perform a job. By analyzing the work to be performed, it can assist in preventing a “square peg in a round hole" application of labor.

    When the foremen, supervisors, and workers are involved with Industrial Engineering in specifying job performance requirements, a reduction of costs can be attributed to team participation. After the preferred method is specified, work schedules can be used for

    · setting prices
    · planning production
    · estimating capacity and manpower.
    In estimating time and costs, industrial engineering should be certain to “assemble” all of the operational data, materials and information available at the facility. This information should of the “customer”. be "tuned" in with The impact of the factual requirements new product on space and manning requirements, along with machine and equipment availability, must be considered. The department must work closely with supervisionr production control, quality control, and product engineering in “assembling” and costs. the time

    All employees can contribute to work simplification programs through analysis of what must be done to make a worker’s job easier to perform. Any suggestion by the worker to improve the operation must be reported and identified. This communication of contribution by the worker, can activate significant savings.

    To assist the foremen and supervisors in determining and evaluating tooling and facilities requirements, industrial engineering can provide multiple activity chart

    · man and machine charts
    · flow charts
    · plant layouts

    The design of any workplace should be in harmony with the required-tasks to be performed by the workers. The design should ensure the workers will be at ease and comfortable in doing their jobs. It must ensure efficient handling of the product with the least amount of effort and time. The design should also take into consideration the means of producing an acceptable quality part. If testing or measurement by the workers is involved, the tools or process equipment must be at a minimum distance. In evaluating facility and manning requirements, multiple activity charts These charts are helpful in determining the work of scheduling for different crews. A man-machine chart likewise is helpful in planning man and machine work.

    Flow charts helpful in planning and scheduling how fit together into a working unit. help determine requirements for manning, space and necessary equipment. They are more meaningful when current operational data is available. Industrial engineering in routings time or are can provide space and personnel, and alternates and flow, when it knows which tasks take extra "bottlenecks".
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة HeaD Master; الساعة 03-08-2020, 06:34 PM.

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