Plastic Analysis and Design of Steel Structures

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  • [كتاب] Plastic Analysis and Design of Steel Structures

    The plastic method has been used extensively by engineers for the
    design of steel structures, including simple beams, continuous beams,
    and simple portal frames. Traditionally, the analysis is based on the
    rigid-plastic theory whereby the plastic collapse load is evaluated
    through virtual work formulation in which elastic deflection is
    ignored. For more complex frames, specialist computer packages for
    elastoplastic analysis are usually employed. Current publications on
    plastic design method provide means of analysis based on either virtual
    work formulation or sophisticated plastic theory contained in
    specialist computer packages. This book aims to bridge this gap.
    This book emphasizes a plastic analysis method based on the
    hinge by hinge concept. Frames of any degree of complexity can be
    analyzed plastically using this method. This method is based on the
    elastoplastic analysis procedure where a linear elastic analysis, performed
    either manually or by computers, is used between the formation
    of consecutive plastic hinges. The results of the linear elastic
    analysis are used in a proforma created in a spreadsheet environment
    where the next plastic hinge formation can be predicted automatically
    and the corresponding culmulative forces and deflections calculated.
    In addition, a successive approximation method is described to take
    account of the effect of force interaction on the evaluation of the collapse
    load of a structure. This method can be performed using results
    from analysis obtained from most commercially available computer

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أنشئ بواسطة HaMooooDi, 07-12-2024, 02:42 PM
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أنشئ بواسطة HaMooooDi, 03-23-2024, 03:16 AM
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