وظيفة شاغرة IT Support Engineer - National Aviation Services

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  • وظيفة شاغرة IT Support Engineer - National Aviation Services

    IT Support Engineer - National Aviation Services

    A.Installs, configures and upgrades operating systems and software, using standard business and administrative packages; should support different applications for user in operational departments.

    B. Installs, assembles and configures computer, monitors network infrastructure and peripherals such as printers, scanners and related hardware; should wire network cables and should report to Network Operator on any rewiring or redirecting of network points based on office reconfiguration or new offices.

    C.Troubleshoots problems with computer systems, including troubleshooting hardware and software, e-mail, network and peripheral equipment problems; makes repairs and corrections where required.

    D.Acts as technical resources in assisting user to resolve problems with equipment and data; staffs a centralized help desk to facilitate exchange of information and advises; implements solutions or notifies concerned IT Staffs on problems as required.

    E.Assists with the planning, design, research and acquisition of new or upgraded hardware and software system; maintains current knowledge of hardware, software and network technology and recommends modifications as necessary; and,

    F.Update and maintain IT Asset records and coordination with Audits when necessary.

    G.Responsible to comply with the applicable laws, regulations and procedures of NAS and their customers.

    H.Responsible for exercising due diligence towards Health & Safety of self & others in the organization as well as environmental protection issues.

    I.Responsible for Safety & Quality of the function/ Task performed.

    J.Responsible for reporting to his superiors' occurrences, events, violations and acts that may affect safety and company reputation.
    Job Details

    Posted Date: 2018-12-19
    Job Location: Al Farawaniyah, Kuwait
    Job Role: Information Technology
    Company Industry: Airlines/Aviation
    Joining Date: 2019-01-01

    Preferred Candidate

    Career Level: Entry Level
    Degree: Bachelor's degree

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