وظيفة شاغرة Project Engineer - Sayegh Group

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  • وظيفة شاغرة Project Engineer - Sayegh Group

    Project Engineer - Sayegh Group

    Career Objectives:

    Provide technical and administrative support in projects management by working on products description and pricing according to the requested characteristics.


    Supervise projects during implementation stages

    -Do all description work for projects and related tenders by choosing suitable products for each project according to the required technical characteristics as well as pricing and following up.

    -Support all technical departments within the group to help identify the suitable products for the projects and the tenders and provide concerned parties with the appropriate feedback.

    -Monitor all projects starting from requesting materials, adding them to the system and ensuring to prepare and deliver them in a timely manner, to the final implementation stage and ensuring a good communication between the management and the projects manager.

    -Review the client’s impressions and feedbacks after each project; resolve any issue or complaint that may occur by providing suitable solutions and get experts help.

    - Contact and communicate with contractors and engineering and consulting offices to have periodic visits to engineers and contractors offices as well as factories to help getting offers for the company’s products, thus reach out to projects and clients.

    - Maintain all records from the start of the project to the implementation phase, sign the contracts and periodic reporting to the management regarding project and implementation updates.

    - Provide technical consultation when needed to internal and external units about the products’ characteristics and the work processes.
    Job Details

    Posted Date: 2018-11-11
    Job Location: Amman, Jordan
    Job Role: Other
    Company Industry: Manufacturing

    Preferred Candidate

    Career Level: Mid Career
    Gender: Male
    Nationality: Jordan
    Degree: Bachelor's degree

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