وظيفة شاغرة Lab Technicians - Mechanical and Electrical Engineering - American University of the Middle East - AUM

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  • وظيفة شاغرة Lab Technicians - Mechanical and Electrical Engineering - American University of the Middle East - AUM

    Lab Technicians - Mechanical and Electrical Engineering - American University of the Middle East - AUM

    - Maintain and Troubleshoot material in the labs

    - Assist Students and Instructors while handling critical equipment

    - Prepare/check/update Lab experiments 

    - Keep track of Inventory

    - Maintain a professional relationship with students and colleagues 
    Job Details

    Posted Date: 2018-09-04
    Job Location: Al Ahmadi, Kuwait
    Job Role: Engineering
    Company Industry: Education, Training, and Library

    Preferred Candidate

    Career Level: Entry Level
    Degree: Baccalauréat

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