وظيفة شاغرة Electrical Engineer - QAFAM

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  • وظيفة شاغرة Electrical Engineer - QAFAM

    Electrical Engineer - QAFAM

    Electrical engineers are involved in projects from the concept and detail of the design, through to implementation, testing and handover. They may be involved in maintenance programmes. As well as having technical knowledge, electrical engineers need to be able to project manage and multitask. They also need to have commercial awareness. Additional attributes, such as team leadership or management skills, are required as careers progress. Duties and responsibilities: Identifying customer requirements. Designing systems and products. Researching suitable solutions and estimating costs and timescales. Servicing and maintaining equipment. Monitoring a product in use to improve on future design. Preparing product documentation, writing reports and giving presentation.
    Job Details

    Posted Date: 2018-08-02
    Job Location: Doha, Qatar
    Job Role: Engineering
    Company Industry: Facilities Management; Healthcare, other; Healthcare, Practitioner and Technician

    Preferred Candidate

    Career Level: Mid Career
    Gender: Male
    Degree: Bachelor's degree

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