وظيفة شاغرة Air Quality Specialist (Chemical Engineer) - Parsons International Limited

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  • وظيفة شاغرة Air Quality Specialist (Chemical Engineer) - Parsons International Limited

    Air Quality Specialist (Chemical Engineer) - Parsons International Limited

    Develop strategy for control and assess emission in the city and adjacent areas and provide the needed advice and guidance to Environmental Department through field visits, on-site inspections, testing and preparing scientific technical reports. Reports to SAPL Environmental Manager, supports the department in daily operations, interfaces with the Client, Industries, and EPCD team members. Receives administrative and technical direction in term of board project objectives from Environmental Protection and Control Department Director and SAPL Environmental Manager.

    General consultancy on all matters related to air quality management and compliance.
    Ensuring all regulated industries are in compliance with their air quality management obligations under the Client's environmental regulations (e.g. third-party compliance monitoring, CEMS, odor management)
    Technical lead for site inspections related to witnessing environmental monitoring, facility audits and emergency incident response.
    Prepare Notice of Non-compliance letters to industries and administers the preparation and determination of fines and penalty values based on the extent of industry violations and non-adherence.
    Performs periodic inspections on facilities and AQS to ensure environmental compliance.
    Review and evaluate submitted data from investors.
    Check environmental Impact Assessments studies submitted by new industrial investors and existing Industries seeking a renewal of their Environmental Permit to Operate.
    Participates in periodic revision of the Client's Environmental regulations and standards and implement the same in line with Kingdom’s laws, international regulations and standards and best practices.
    Sets and monitors the Client's Environmental regulations and standards in line with the governments environmental standards and best practices.
    Preparation and management of environmental study scope of works.
    Manages subcontractors performing environmental studies and reviews/comments on work products
    Supports planning efforts for environmental activities associated with the Yanbu Master Plan expansion
    Development, implementation and management of the quality assurance program and technical operations for the client's ambient air quality monitoring network
    Permit applications package review of potential industries investors (e.g. EIA review, dispersion model verification, assessment of BAT for pollution control)
    Formal monitoring and training of junior staff through the Client's Shadow Program.
    Greenhouse gas inventorying and carbon footprint analysis of Industries City (Via GPC metrics) and input into the Client's sustainability initiative (accreditation under ISO 37120)
    Job Details

    Posted Date: 2018-07-16
    Job Location: Yanbu, Saudi Arabia
    Job Role: Engineering
    Company Industry: Engineering

    Preferred Candidate

    Career Level: Mid Career

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