وظيفة شاغرة Software Engineer / developer - Allied Engineering Est

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  • وظيفة شاغرة Software Engineer / developer - Allied Engineering Est

    Software Engineer / developer - Allied Engineering Est

    Software developer to do the following:

    - Analyze users' needs and then design, test, and develop software to meet those needs

    - Design each piece of an application or system and plan how the pieces will work together

    - Create a variety of models and diagrams (such as flowcharts) that show programmers the software code needed for an application

    - Ensure that a program continues to function normally through software maintenance and testing

    - Document every aspect of an application or system as a reference for future maintenance and upgrades

    - Collaborate with other computer specialists to create optimum software Software.
    Job Details

    Posted Date: 2018-07-11
    Job Location: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
    Job Role: Information Technology
    Company Industry: Information Technology

    Preferred Candidate

    Career Level: Entry Level

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