وظيفة شاغرة Assistant Resident Engineer (Utilities) - Road/Highway - Parsons International Limited

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  • وظيفة شاغرة Assistant Resident Engineer (Utilities) - Road/Highway - Parsons International Limited

    Assistant Resident Engineer (Utilities) - Road/Highway - Parsons International Limited


    Parsons is the Project Consultant for the construction supervision of a large prestigious infrastructure project in Qatar. The Work scope comprises roads, highway intersections, bridges and other structures, electrical (HV, MV and LV), potable water, sewerage (foul water) drainage, stormwater drainage networks and other utility/services networks such as Telecommunications, ITS, Micro Tunneling.

    Position Overview

    The Assistant Resident Engineer (Utilities) will assist the Resident Engineer in administering the operational functions of the day-to-day activities on the project concerning utility works. Will coordinate with various government departments, contractors, consultants and public to facilitate progress and avoid delays. He will also maintain logs of project progress, handing-over and final accounts. The Engineer at this level is a fully qualified professional, proficient in the utilisation of most construction/engineering theories and practices. To arrange progress meetings for various utilities with the service authorities representative, minute them and distribute the records as required.

    Job Responsibilities

    • Report to the Resident Engineer Utility and assist in supervising the construction of utility works and associated items.
    • Act in place of the Resident Engineer Utility when on leave or absent.
    • Chairs the meetings with the utility agencies and any other meetings delegated by the Resident Engineer Utilities.
    • Coordinate his direct activities with the other engineers and members of the construction supervision team.
    • Assist the Resident Engineer in reviewing of shop drawings, design proposals, method statements and other activities including correspondence related to the utility section and prepare replies for the review of the Resident Engineer.
    • Coordinate with Parsons' design engineers for resolution of related issues.
    • Maintain the daily diary and the daily reports by the inspectors.
    • Coordinate with the contractor engineers on scheduling and application of resources.
    • Direct, assist and monitor the performance of the inspectors and surveyors as applicable.
    • Convene and chair special meetings with the service authorities, the contractor, subcontractors and other parties related to his work.
    • Ensure accuracy and completeness of records.
    • Ensure safety goals are achieved on the project and oversee implementation of safety procedures on the project.
    • Prepare / Assist in the preparation of Weekly and Monthly progress reports.
    • Act positively and participate in all health and safety issues at the site, as required by the Resident Engineer and the project safety representatives.
    • Provide all necessary on-site direction and assist the Resident Engineer to issue site instructions concerning utility works and associated items.
    • Check and measure the performed work in his line of work, record and assist the Resident Engineer to display progress vs programmed work.
    • Ensure correctness and completeness of ‘as-built’ drawings within his line of work.
    Job Details

    Posted Date: 2018-07-08
    Job Location: Doha, Qatar
    Job Role: Engineering
    Company Industry: Consulting Services

    Preferred Candidate

    Career Level: Mid Career
    Degree: Bachelor's degree

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