التخطيط والجدولة في التصنيع والخدمات Planning and Scheduling in Manufacturing and Services

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  • [كتاب] التخطيط والجدولة في التصنيع والخدمات Planning and Scheduling in Manufacturing and Services

    Planning and Scheduling in Manufacturing and Services
    التخطيط والجدولة في التصنيع والخدمات
    التخطيط والجدولة في التصنيع والخدمات Planning and Scheduling in Manufacturing and Services

    التخطيط والجدولة في التصنيع والخدمات Planning and Scheduling in Manufacturing and Services

    Planning and scheduling are decision-making processes that are used on a regular basis in many manufacturing and service industries. These forms of decision-making play an important role in procurement and production, in transportation and distribution, and in information processing and communication The planning and scheduling functions in a company rely on mathematical
    techniques and heuristic methods to allocate limited resources to the activities that have to be done. This allocation of resources has to be done in such a way that the company optimizes its objectives and achieves its goals Resources may be machines in a workshop, runways at an airport, crews at a construction site, or processing units in a computing environment. Activities
    may be operations in a workshop, take-offs and landings at an airport, stages in a construction project, or computer programs that have to be executed Each activity may have a priority level, an earliest possible starting time and a due date. Objectives can take many different forms, such as minimizing the time to complete all activities, minimizing the number of activities that are
    completed after the committed due dates, and so on The following nine examples illustrate the role of planning and scheduling in real life situations. Each example describes a particular type of planning and scheduling problem. The first example shows the role of planning and scheduling in the management of large construction and installation projects that consist of many stages.

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