Gaming, Simulations, and Society

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  • [كتاب] Gaming, Simulations, and Society

    Gaming, Simulations, and Society


    “Forming a Coalition Government” is a game that focuses on coalition making and bargaining in the world of contemporary Japanese politics. From the perspective of political science, this game successfully describes and simulates the characteristics of politics. From the view of gaming simulation studies, it is a valid game. In fact, most players thought that the game skillfully simulated real political situations. Through examining the game, we will demonstrate that the world of politics is quite familiar with the principles of gaming simulation. Before the case study this idea is presented from a methodological viewpoint

    Why Is Gaming Simulation a Good Way to Analyze Politics An important feature of politics

    is the interaction among actors (agents) who are free to decide their own behavior. Obviously, it is people who talk politics and are engaged in politics. Neither society nor politics can exist without people. Even though people can decide their behavior independently, they are not isolated They live within a society and play out their roles. In a social context, their decisions are influenced by each other. A’s decision can be affected by B’s decision and vice versa

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