Loss Prevention: Hazard Idenitification, Assessment and Control

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  • Loss Prevention: Hazard Idenitification, Assessment and Control

    Loss Prevention: Hazard Idenitification, Assessment and Control 2nd edition
    by: Frank Lees

    Over the last three decades the process industries have grown very rapidly, with corresponding increases in the quantities of hazardous materials in process, storage or transport. Plants are becoming larger and are often situated in or close to densely
    populated areas. Increased hazard of loss of life or property is continually highlighted with incidents such as Flixborough, Bhopal, Chernobyl and Piper Alpha.
    Increasing attention must therefore be paid to the control of these hazards, and in particular the need to develop a comprehensive approach to the avoidance of human and economic loss; this is loss prevention. Frank Lees has completely rewritten this classic reference work on loss prevention, bringing every aspect up to date. New chapters are included on computers, artificial intelligence and expert systems, and new appendices feature recent disasters such as Bhopal and Piper Alpha. The many thousands of references have been updated along with standards and codes of practice. Written in a clear and concise style,'Loss Prevention in the Process Industries' covers traditional areas of personal safety as well as the more technological aspects and thus provides balanced and in-depth coverage of the whole field of safety and loss prevention.

    F.P. Lees Loss Prevention provides the fundamentals for any viable prevention program throughout all segments of industry. It covers recognized good engineering practices that can transform a good company into a GREAT company through protection of profits from unintended incidents, downtime, and litigation costs. These volumes cover it all and are as critical to a corporation's bottom line as any financial manual.

    *******S INCLUDE:
    Introduction; Hazard accident and loss; Legislation and law; Major hazard control; Economics and insurance; Management systems; Reliability engineering; Hazard identification and safety audit; Hazard assessment; Plant siting and layout; Process design; Pressure system design; Control system design; Human factors in process control; Emission and dispersion; Fire; Explosion; Toxic release; Plant commissioning and inspection; Plant operation; Plant maintenance and modification; Storage; Transport; Emergency planning; Personal safety; Accident research; Information feedback; Safety systems; Computer aids; Artificial intelligence and expert systems; APPENDICES - Case histories; Flixborough; Seveso; Mexico City; Bhopal; Pasadena; Canvey Reports; Rijnmond Report;Laboratories; Pilot plants; Pollution; Noise; Safety factors for simple relief systems; Failure and event data; Earthquakes; San Carlos de la Rapita; ACDS Transport Hazards Report; Offshore; Piper Alpha; Nuclear energy; Three Mile Island; Chernobyl; Rasmussen Report; ACMH Licence Model Conditions; HSE Guidelines on Developments Near Major Hazards; Public enquiries; Standards and Codes; Institutional publications; Information sources; Units and unit conversions

    Size: 24.73 MB

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