Words form life

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  • Words form life

    WorDs FroM LiFe

    Happiness is a perfume.You cannot spread on others without getting a few drops on urself . So always be happy to make others happy

    everyone wants happiness, no one wants pain. but you can't make a rainbow without a little rain

    Hard Times Are Like a Washing Machine,They Twist,Turn & Knock Us Around,But In The End we Come OutCleaner, Brighter & Better Than Before…

    "Nothing is impossible...the word itself says " I'm possible

    Truth, like surgery, may hurt, but it cures

    Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive

    Treat your life like the sea, your heart as the shore and friends as the waves. It doesn't matter how many waves there are, what matters is which one touches the shore

    Calm seas never make skillful sailors

    Hope ...you will like it

  • #2
    Ilike this one
    Treat your life like the sea, your heart as the shore and friends as the waves. It doesn't matter how many waves there are, what matters is which one touches the shore

    Thanks a lot


    • #3
      Thanks For your nice reply


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