وظيفة شاغرة Executive Accountant - United Global Services

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مشاركات جديدة

  • وظيفة شاغرة Executive Accountant - United Global Services

    Executive Accountant - United Global Services

    1. Prepare, examine, or analyze accounting records, financial statements, or other financial reports to assess accuracy, completeness, and conformance to reporting and procedural standards.
    2. Making invoices and delivery orders, receiving cash.
    3. Recording sales, submitting performance report, cash collection report to the accounts.
    4. Analyse expenditures to develop plans, policies, or budgets for increasing profits or improving services.
    5. Co-ordination with Customer Service and Debt Collection.
    6. Prepare, examine, or analyze accounting records, financial statements, or other financial reports to assess accuracy, completeness, and conformance to reporting and procedural standards.
    7. Report to management regarding the finances of establishment.
    8. Establish tables of accounts and assign entries to proper accounts.
    9. Develop, implement, modify, and document record keeping and accounting systems, making use of current computer technology.
    10. Maintain or examine the records of government agencies.
    11. Update company policy manual.
    12. Provide internal and external auditing services for businesses or individuals.
    13. Liaise with employees and management in relation to current and new policies.
    14. Prepare monthly payroll and calculate employee’s commission with accordance to the policy.
    15. Prepare offer letters and memos internally and externally.
    16. Completion and follow thru of New Hire Checklist and HR policies implementation.
    17. Liaise with customers and accounts on a regular basis.
    18. Compute taxes owed and prepare tax returns, ensuring compliance with payment, reporting, or other tax requirements.
    19. Vacation settlement and related final settlement.

    Job Details

    Posted Date: 2018-04-20 Job Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates Job Role: Accounting and Auditing Company Industry: Transportation
    Preferred Candidate

    Career Level: Entry Level Gender: Female Degree: Diplôme

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