وظيفة شاغرة Autocad Drafter and Document Control Assistant - Tepco

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  • وظيفة شاغرة Autocad Drafter and Document Control Assistant - Tepco

    Autocad Drafter and Document Control Assistant - Tepco
    • Manage and track company documents.
    • Scan, image, organize and maintain
      documents, adhering to the company's document life cycle procedures.
    • They archive inactive records in accordance with the records retention schedule.
    • Control the retrieval of documents.
    • Receive and process Requests for Information, or RFIs, from employees or clients and maintain the requests via tracking logs. As RFI procedures are updated, document control specialists create new templates.
    • Help project managers develop and
      maintain documents such as meeting minutes, drawings, specifications, approvals
      and related items.
    • Draft and prepare layout drawings of
      the given structures, components and devices.
    • *Produce draft designs and diagrams according to the given specifications.
    • Assist and coordinate with designers and engineers.
    • Prepare drawings and diagrams for electrical devices and installations.*
    • Collaborate with designers, constructors and engineers on projects.
    • Compile data and specifications sheets.******************************************* ******************************
    • *Revise drawings and layouts to accommodate changes and enhancements.
    • Archiving offers sent to Sales printing RFQ from sales.

    Job Details

    Posted Date:2018-04-01Job Role:AdministrationCompany Industry:Manufacturing
    Preferred Candidate

    Career Level:Entry LevelDegree:Baccalauréat

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