وظيفة شاغرة Electrical Systems Engineer

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  • وظيفة شاغرة Electrical Systems Engineer

    Electrical Systems Engineer

    Electrical Engineering is responsible for a multitude of customer facing technologies such as Displays, Instrument Clusters and Head-up Displays.
    The purpose of this role is to coordinate the design, development, testing and introduction of electromechanical hardware for said commodities. Operating in a cross-functional organisation, you will report into the relevant Group Leaders and Lead Engineers and, where delivering on specific vehicle programmes, have an additional matrix report into Module Leaders. The role requires you to deliver the commodity plan to quality, cost and time and lead on the technical content and integrity of specific components and systems across specific programmes.
    As well as the above, you'll own and deliver the Engineering Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) deliverables.

    Job Details

    Posted Date:2018-03-31Job Location:Great Britain (UK)Job Role:EngineeringCompany Industry:Employment Placement Agencies/Recruiting
    Preferred Candidate

    Career Level:Mid Career

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