وظيفة شاغرة Compliance & Assurance Advisor

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  • وظيفة شاغرة Compliance & Assurance Advisor

    Compliance & Assurance Advisor

    - Support the PLANC process from the initiation of the decommissioning phase through to close-out of decommissioning activities for each asset.

    - Gather information required to support the PLANC decommissioning process

    - Draft documents required throughout the decommissioning process

    - Maintain short and long-term plans of documents submissions to ensure delivery and avoid delays in the decommissioning operations.

    - Providing advice and guidance to onshore and offshore decommissioning team on PLANC issues

    - Ensure a consistent approach to PLANC management across all operations by liaising with the QSHE department

    - Proactively engage with decommissioning engineering team to ensure PLANCs commitments issues are considered in the planning phase and adequately dealt with

    - Participate in the delivery of audits relating to PLANCs commitments

    - Participate in the development of the Decommissioning Compliance and Assurance plan and execute action points resulting from the plan

    - Assist with Safety Case Lifecycle Management

    - Provide operational assurance

    Job Details

    Posted Date:2018-03-31Job Location:Great Britain (UK)Job Role:Support ServicesCompany Industry:Employment Placement Agencies/Recruiting
    Preferred Candidate

    Career Level:Mid Career

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أنشئ بواسطة ايهاب محمد, 10-03-2024, 03:40 PM
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