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برنامج تسجيل الشاشة فيديو وصوت My Screen Recorder Pro 5.11

v 5.11

برنامج My Screen Recorder Pro يتيح لك تسجيل و تصوير شاشة سطح المكتب فيديو وكل مايجري علي الجهاز وايضا فهو برنامج يستخدم فى عمل الدروس بالفيديو لتقديم العروض وشروحات البرامج مع امكانية اضافة الصوت للتسجيل
My Screen Recorder Pro is a professional video screen capture software that lets you capture your PC screen activity to many popular video formats. Any application that runs on your Windows PC can be recorded including the audio. With a PC microphone, add your own audio narration as you demonstrate how to use a web site or explain a product concept.
My Screen Recorder Pro provides the ability to output your screen recordings to AVI, WMV, Flash, and MP4 formats. When recording your PC activity to WMV format, play back the video on any Windows PC, which make distribution simple. You can even create Flash files that are designed to be played on a website and presented to large audiences over the Interne

39.6 Mb

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