Site Inspector - Civil/Mechanical | Propel Consult

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  • Site Inspector - Civil/Mechanical | Propel Consult

    Site Inspector - Civil/Mechanical | Propel Consult

    The Role - Ensure the contractor/s compliance with the standards and specifications of the contract documents. - Maintain records of the contractor human and equipment daily resources - Prepare Daily Diary. - Undertake all site supervision and inspections when required or instructed by the Resident Engineer - Liaise ...

    لمشاهده الخبر كاملا الرجاء التسجيل ثم الضغط على الرابط ادناه

    متابعة الموضوع من المصدر...

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أنشئ بواسطة ايهاب محمد, 10-03-2024, 03:40 PM
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