Elementary School Teacher - Arab International Academy

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  • Elementary School Teacher - Arab International Academy

    Elementary School Teacher - Arab International Academy

    To offer an enriched, hands-on, project-based and collaborative learning environment based on the principles of the PYP. To work with a high level of collaboration with the other teachers in the program as well as the PYP coordinator. To work with the IT Instructional Specialists to infuse technology in the learning process. To be open to the integration of art in the student projects and to learn and apply the principles of brain-based learning in their classroom. Finally to be ready to carry out innovation, action research and show a certain level of creativity in their work.

    Job Details

    Posted Date: 2018-03-14 Job Location: Doha, Qatar Job Role: Teaching and Academics Company Industry: Education, Training, and Library Joining Date: 2016-08-08
    Preferred Candidate

    Career Level: Entry Level Degree: Bachelor's degree

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