Accountant/Commercial Officer - Leom SAL

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  • Accountant/Commercial Officer - Leom SAL

    Accountant/Commercial Officer - Leom SAL

    The position is for a Commercial Officer with an accounting background with primary duties in procurement and secondary duties in accounting which will be minimal.

    The candidate will be trained on the company's ERP solution for the accounting purpose as well as an in depth training for the procurement activities.

    Commercial Duties include:
    • Preparing purchase orders for local and foreign purchases.
    • Securing the materials requested in a timely manner.
    • Preparing related bank documents such as Letters of Credits, Telex Transfers and others.
    • Negotiating with suppliers for the best package for the company including quality, price and
    delivery periods.
    • Handling all the paper work for the shipping agencies, clearing agencies and others related to
    purchasing of material whether local or foreign.
    • Preparing weekly forecast for the purchases, payment transfers, check preparation and others
    that are required by the purchasing department for management.
    • Creating and updating lists of local and international suppliers related to company

    Accounting Duties include:
    Recording, adjusting, following up on, and closing all accounts related to:

    • Accounts receivable
    • Accounts payable
    • Banks
    • Cashier
    • Human Resources
    • Fixed Assets
    • Inventory

    Job Details

    Posted Date: 2018-03-07 Job Location: Beirut, Lebanon Job Role: Administration Company Industry: Retail/Wholesale Monthly Salary: US $1,500
    Preferred Candidate

    Career Level: Entry Level Gender: Male Nationality: Lebanon Degree: Baccalauréat

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