Warehouse Supervisor - Americana Group

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  • Warehouse Supervisor - Americana Group

    Warehouse Supervisor - Americana Group

    1. Measure and report the effectiveness of warehousing activities and employees
    2. performance Organize and maintain inventory and storage area Ensure shipments’ and inventory transactions’ accuracy
    3. Communicate job expectations and coach employees
    4. Determine staffing levels and assign workload
    5. Interface with customers to answer questions or solve problems
    6. Maintain items record, document necessary information and utilize reports to project warehouse status
    7. Identify areas of improvement and establish innovative or adjust existing work procedures and practices
    8. Handling Overall operation inbound & outbound
    9. Planning Of Delivery Orders
    10. Investigate and report Over, Short and Damage Material

    Job Details

    Date Posted: 2018-02-27 Job Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates Job Role: Logistics and Transportation Company Industry: FMCG
    Preferred Candidate

    Career Level: Mid Career Gender: Male Degree: Baccalauréat

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