Centre Supervisor - Al Tamimi Investments

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  • Centre Supervisor - Al Tamimi Investments

    Centre Supervisor - Al Tamimi Investments

    Our subsidiary, Hummingbird Early Learning Centre (Abu Dhabi) are looking for a dynamic Centre Supervisor to join our team.


    • To ensure the management and day-*-to day running of the centre which includes staff, children, premises and equipment is of the highest quality in accordance with the EYFS guidelines
    • Ensure that all staff are aware of the daily routines and policies.
    • To develop quality communication between parents, staff and management, to ensure that there is a shared vision of quality and effective process for consultation and evaluation of the service.
    • To work with the Operations Manager in developing the operational plans to achieve the shared vision of Hummingbird ELC.
    • To ensure that systems are in place to monitor, review and evaluate services.
    • To liaise with the Operations Manager to support the business plan and marketing strategy and share a clear direction and growth of the centre.
    • To operate within agreed budgets and collate and complete accurate financial records.
    • To ensure the children’s records are up-*-to-*-date.
    • To work with all staff to ensure that there is effective liaison with the parents over the care of their children, a smooth induction for new children and parents.
    • Co-*-ordinate the allocation of places and maintain waiting lists
    • To understand and maintain confidentiality in respect of the families at all times.
    • It is the nature of Hummingbird that tasks and responsibilities may in some circumstances be unpredictable and varied. Therefore staff are expected to work in a flexible way as required.



    Job Details

    Date Posted: 2018-02-27 Job Location: Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates Job Role: Teaching and Academics Company Industry: Education, Training, and Library
    Preferred Candidate

    Career Level: Mid Career Gender: Female

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