HR Planning & Developemnt Specialist - King Saud Medical City

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  • HR Planning & Developemnt Specialist - King Saud Medical City

    HR Planning & Developemnt Specialist - King Saud Medical City

    - Research and compile information on entity’s organizational system and structure
    - Survey employees and management on subjects such as work environment, skills, relationships with others in organization and job satisfaction
    - Propose reassessment, additions and modification of organizational goals
    - Review descriptions of job duties and qualifications for positions
    - Implement action plans and strategies for improving performance and effectiveness of personnel in organization
    - Create organizational charts and revise descriptions of job positions and duties
    - Update training manuals and programs
    - Analysis information of organizational needs to identify broad future staffing needs
    - Maintains up to date knowledge of staff movements within the area of responsibility in order to be able to plan an appropriate response when required
    -Maintains an overview of current and future job vacancies (in liaison with other departments) and use this information to maximum effect in the career planning process
    -Developing the annual manpower budgets & plan and generate timely management information reports on recruitment function across the KSMC

    Job Details

    Date Posted: 2018-02-13 Job Location: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Job Role: Administration Company Industry: Other
    Preferred Candidate

    Career Level: Mid Career Nationality: Saudi Arabia Degree: Baccalauréat

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