Data Modeler - King Saud Medical City

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  • Data Modeler - King Saud Medical City

    Data Modeler - King Saud Medical City

    The data modeler is responsible for separating different types of data into structures that can be easily processed by computer systems. The data modelers often focus on very specific issues such as way data moves from one system to another or even data redundancy problems.

    that includes:

    1. Designs data architectures; translates data so that it can be read by various types of computer systems.
    2. Designs and builds databases that are used in relation with data architectures.
    3. Assists in the development of strategies for archive recovery, database implementation and data acquisition.
    4. Cleans and maintains databases by restructuring and deleting old data.
    5. Leads and sometimes directs the work of others; works with a team to accomplish common goals for the employer.
    6. Completes reports to provide to a team leader, manager or supervisor.
    7. Works with other IT groups and departments to assist in the coordination of future activities and plans that involve computing and data.

    Identifies and recognizes areas in which policy or procedure changes could assist in the future expansion of businesses.

    Job Details

    Date Posted: 2018-02-13 Job Location: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Job Role: Information Technology Company Industry: Other
    Preferred Candidate

    Career Level: Entry Level Nationality: Saudi Arabia Degree: Baccalauréat

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