شات الجزائر

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Planning Engineer | Ignite Search & Selection

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  • Planning Engineer | Ignite Search & Selection

    Planning Engineer | Ignite Search & Selection

    The Role The Planning Engineer is part of the shared services team and will be providing all necessary assistance to the construction supervision team with respect to all planning and scheduling issues and progress of the works. The incumbent will be responsible for the review and approval of the submitted work progr...

    لمشاهده الخبر كاملا الرجاء التسجيل ثم الضغط على الرابط ادناه

    متابعة الموضوع من المصدر...

المواضيع ذات الصلة


المواضيع إحصائيات آخر مشاركة
أنشئ بواسطة ايهاب محمد, 10-03-2024, 03:40 PM
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