Store Incharge - Spectrum Talent Management

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  • Store Incharge - Spectrum Talent Management

    Store Incharge - Spectrum Talent Management

    Execute the day-to-day activities related to receiving, handling, storing, recording, and dispatching product inventory.
    Ensure that that there is sufficient inventory to meet the organizations needs by ordering products and managing out-of-stock over-stocked products.
    Enter data into a database or other computerized system to maintain up-to-date stock records, retrieve stored information, place orders, or respond to enquiries (for example on inventory levels or delivery schedules).
    Candidate should have stores related knowledge

    Job Details

    Date Posted: 2018-01-24 Job Location: Pune, India Job Role: Management Company Industry: Other
    Preferred Candidate

    Career Level: Mid Career

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أنشئ بواسطة ايهاب محمد, 10-03-2024, 03:40 PM
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