Academic Advisor - Al Ahsa & Al Majma'ah Female Campuses - Niagara College KSA - NC KSA

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  • Academic Advisor - Al Ahsa & Al Majma'ah Female Campuses - Niagara College KSA - NC KSA

    Academic Advisor - Al Ahsa & Al Majma'ah Female Campuses - Niagara College KSA - NC KSA

    Niagara College, widely regarded as one of Canada’s most innovative applied learning post-secondary institutions, has expanded its international reach through satellite campuses located in Taif and Makkah, Saudi Arabia, and most recently, Al Ahsa and Al Majma’ah. With a strategic focus on developing “world-ready and work-ready” graduates, the campuses specialize in delivering a number of diploma programs in the areas of tourism, hospitality, business, IT, graphic design and a foundation program for English language development.

    Applications are invited for the position of Academic Advisor at Niagara College KSA, Al Ahsa and Al Majma'ah female campuses. Reporting to the Associate Principal, Academic, the Academic Advisor is responsible for student life,*student advocacy, academic coaching, customer service, campus and community referrals and institutional outreach.

    Job Details

    Date Posted: 2018-01-12 Job Location: Alahsa, Saudi Arabia Job Role: Teaching and Academics Company Industry: Education, Training, and Library
    Preferred Candidate

    Career Level: Entry Level Gender: Female Degree: Bachelor's degree

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