شات الجزائر

شات فلسطين

Social Media Manager

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • Social Media Manager

    Social Media Manager

    Responsible for developing and overseeing the execution of strategic social media and digital initiatives, including developing and managing viral marketing campaigns, creating and supervising high-profile channel accounts, and integrating interactive media into the overall business strategy. Other duties may include search
    engine optimization/search engine marketing (SEO/SEM) integration, monitoring and analysis of social media trends and their impact on the company brand, and supervision of an internal team. The right candidate will have a degree in communications, marketing or a related field; 8+ years of marketing or public relations experience (including demonstrable social networking experience); previous experience in the development and implementation of media planning and buying strategies within the advertising industry; and a strong familiarity with online marketing best practices.

    Job Details

    Date Posted: 2018-01-12 Job Location: Istanbul, Turkey Job Role: Marketing and PR Company Industry: Education, Training, and Library
    Preferred Candidate

    Career Level: Mid Career

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أنشئ بواسطة ايهاب محمد, 10-03-2024, 03:40 PM
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