Safety Engineer

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مشاركات جديدة

  • Safety Engineer

    Safety Engineer

    Carry out engineering design reviews of different systems from safety point of view to ensure compliance with SABIC engineering /HCIS standard.Coordinate various activities for implementation of Process safety Management Program.Develop, review, implement and update safety procedures as per SHEMSCarry out safety studies / audits to improve safety culture.Perform contractor’s safety evaluation for Projects and Maintenance Jobs.Carry out Incident Investigation. Evaluate, develop and conduct safety training program for all employees and related contractors to minimize risk of accident, injury or damage to equipment.
    Develop, implement and update safety procedures as per SHEM’s standard to minimize risks and meet statutory requirements and understand the risk management system.Develop, plan, design and deliver practical training of employees in safety related matters in order to educate employees in how to identify risk and take appropriate steps to control it.Participation in accident investigation/RCA and make recommendation to ensure that appropriate lessons are learned and practices changed to prevent reoccurrence.Participate /review PHA, MOC, SAFER and Risk assessment studies and ensure the implementation of recommendations.Participate in reviewing design of new projects to ensure compliance with SABIC engineering standards as well as HCIS directive.Carry out study to improve process safety for the existing facility to improve work environment.Review all reports for safety incidents, and maintain a record of all incidents and time injuries in order to analyze, track and identify trends in the type of incident. Develop safety strategies and program to address these trends.Conduct SABIC SHEMS Self as well as internal audit and close all findings related to implementation and documentation also close all findings related to any audit for safety.Carry out safety audits of all company facilities with a view to identifying and highlighting unsafe conditions and behavior. Establish an action program to priorities and mitigate the unsafe conditions and behavior.

    Job Details

    Date Posted: 2018-01-01 Job Location: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Job Role: Safety Company Industry: Other
    Preferred Candidate

    Career Level: Mid Career Gender: Male Nationality: Saudi Arabia Degree: Bachelor's degree

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