Vocational Business Instructors / Teachers - Al Ahsa & Al Majma'ah Female Campuses - Niagara College

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  • Vocational Business Instructors / Teachers - Al Ahsa & Al Majma'ah Female Campuses - Niagara College

    Vocational Business Instructors / Teachers - Al Ahsa & Al Majma'ah Female Campuses - Niagara College KSA - NC KSA

    Niagara College, widely regarded as one of Canada’s most innovative applied learning post-secondary institutions, has expanded its international reach through five satellite campuses located in Saudi Arabia. With a strategic focus on developing “world-ready and work-ready” graduates, the campuses specialize in delivering a
    number of diploma programs in the areas of tourism, hospitality, business, occupational health & safety, IT, graphic design, and a foundation program for English language development.
    Applications are invited for the position of Vocational Business Instructor, Niagara College KSA, * Al Ahsa and Al Majma'ah female campuses. Reporting to the Vocational Business Chair, the Vocational Business Instructor is responsible for teaching a range of subjects such as; marketing, finance, human resources, communication, business environment, business analysis and other business related subjects.
    All courses will be taught using the English language.

    Job Details

    Date Posted: 2018-01-02 Job Location: Alahsa, Saudi Arabia Job Role: Teaching and Academics Company Industry: Education, Training, and Library
    Preferred Candidate

    Career Level: Mid Career Gender: Female Degree: Bachelor's degree

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