Grants, Prizes and Proposals Manager - Baheya Hospital

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  • Grants, Prizes and Proposals Manager - Baheya Hospital

    Grants, Prizes and Proposals Manager - Baheya Hospital

    Main Job Purpose
    Serves as the primary grant writer, manages funder relationships, engages in compliance reporting, and supports special project initiatives.
    1. Perform frequent research to identify potential grants opportunity and international institutions’ calls
    2. Coordinate the preparation and submission of grants applications, including preparation of all materials, ensuring compliance with all requirements, communicating with grants officials regarding inquiries and monitoring application progress.
    3. Oversee existing grants through tracking; requesting regular reports from Programs Managers; maintaining grant records and files, working with concerned program managers to ensure each project is meeting Proposal conditions and expectations.
    4. Collaborate with Healthcare Program Managers alongside Research program manager to state goals and objectives, supply related technical and statistical information, outline how funds are to be used, and explain procedures necessary to obtain funding.
    5. Manage the administrative work of grant process including, invoicing, reporting, and related process paperwork to ensure successful execution of grant process.
    6. Assist Strategic Alliance department in writing and modifying proposals for projects, institutional and corporate donators alongside the research manager to create the positive influence necessary to obtain the fund.

    7. Generate regular reports entailing grants updates and progress of running projects to keep the Strategic Alliance Director posted with the assistance of Modulus.

    Job Details

    Date Posted: 2017-12-24 Job Location: Cairo, Egypt Job Role: Marketing and PR Company Industry: Medical/Hospital
    Preferred Candidate

    Career Level: Management Degree: Bachelor's degree

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