Events Coordinators - Baheya Hospital

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  • Events Coordinators - Baheya Hospital

    Events Coordinators - Baheya Hospital

    Main Job Purpose
    Administer different events targeting fundraising, enhancement and reinforcement of the visibility and image of Baheya in order to encourage society members to cooperate and contribute to community developmental goals adopted by Baheya.
    1. Participate alongside the events manager in the preparation of an annual detailed plan entailing events to join, promotional activities included, materials required, locations/organizers to join and an estimated budget to ensure existence of clear and adequate strategy for the department.
    2. Administer annual events logistics through preparing list of attendees, sending out invitations, and following up on the entire event‘s operations ensuring adherence to the master plan with the supervision of the events Manager.
    3. Coordinate the regular events with the direction of the Events Manager; Through contacting events’ hosts, planning of material required, contacting Vendors, assign roles, set budget and plan ushers shifts.
    4. Collaborate with HR department to hire and train event’s ushers, help assess and monitor their performance and generate feedback for future references.
    5. Suggest new Ideas and initiatives to help better the performance of the Events department.

    6. Attend events to make sure operations are in place, assess performance of the ushers, follow up on shifts and generate a feedback report of the Events’ execution.
    7. Generate detailed report of donations gathered from the event, entailing sources of donations and present results to the Events Manager Accordingly.
    8. Participate alongside the events manager in delivering regular reports on activities and targets to the head of department entailing each event progress, achievement and financials to upper management is kept Informed with the department’s performance.
    9. Perform any other relevant duties as per assigned by the head of department.

    Job Details

    Date Posted: 2017-12-24 Job Location: Cairo, Egypt Job Role: Marketing and PR Company Industry: Medical/Hospital
    Preferred Candidate

    Career Level: Mid Career Degree: Bachelor's degree

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