Donation Boxes Agent - Baheya Hospital

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  • Donation Boxes Agent - Baheya Hospital

    Donation Boxes Agent - Baheya Hospital

    Main Job Purpose
    Adhering to Donation boxes’ collection process through conducting on time visits to clients in order to collect proceedings, and regular checkup process to ensure donation boxes are of a good condition and best representing Baheya Image.
    1. Adhere to collection schedule through visiting clients with donation boxes to collect donations as per the set route.
    2. Distribute the new donation boxes according to the set plan alongside orienting the client regarding the collection schedule.
    3. Report donation boxes’ conditions through conducting regular visits to ensure the boxes are in good condition and communicate so if otherwise to the account manager to act upon it.
    4. Collaborate with the finance department to open donation boxes, create and sign a memorandum of donation boxes’ proceedings alongside finance team member and the client’s representative to ensure integrity of collection process.
    5. Generate proceeding’s report to the donor relations manager and create statistics of each donation box contribution to the total proceedings collected for further references of the account managers.
    6. Maintain Custody of the gathered proceedings, Donation boxes’ keys and proceeding’s memorandum and adhere to the set process.

    Job Details

    Date Posted: 2017-12-24 Job Location: Cairo, Egypt Job Role: Community Services Company Industry: Other
    Preferred Candidate

    Career Level: Mid Career

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أنشئ بواسطة ايهاب محمد, 10-03-2024, 03:40 PM
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