Pediatric Endocrinologist

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  • Pediatric Endocrinologist

    Pediatric Endocrinologist

    The Paediatric Endocrinologist will be responsible for the provision of a high standard of clinical services to eligible paediatric clients/patients in the centre. Quality patient care will be provided through the application of competent clinical skills in assessment, diagnosis, planning and implementations of treatment.
    This position works in tandem with other services as a team, comprising of diabetes educator, clinical nutritionist and Podiatrist. As in-charge of paediatric Department, he/she will be responsible for administrative oversight within his/her department, i.e. clinical specialists, residents and nurses.
    The endocrinology team provides comprehensive care for patients with endocrine disorders, which include conditions such as obesity, diabetes and thyroid disorders. The team is also responsible for preventive management of pre-diabetic clients.

    Job Details

    Date Posted: 2017-12-16 Job Location: Jeddah , Saudi Arabia Job Role: Consulting Company Industry: Medical/Hospital
    Preferred Candidate

    Career Level: Executive/Director

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